23211 - Sports Medicine II



This course is designed to provide a well-rounded and challenging academic experience in the field of sports medicine, rehabilitation, and other related medical fields. The focus expands upon anatomy and physiology, therapeutic modalities and specific phases for the injured patient. This class will also focus on special testing of specific anatomical structures. Technical Student Organization (CTSO) standards will be an integral part of this class. Dual credit may be obtained from the Maricopa Community College system for this program at high schools offering this option. Successful completion of the program may qualify students to receive the Mastery of Subject Area Graduation Endorsement. Students are encouraged to work with their program teachers to determine eligibility. (Course name change to Sports Medicine II for 21-22 SY)

Credits: 1
1 Elective Credit
Course Fees  


Intro to Sports Medicine; Due to limited capacity, high demand and requirements for this program, student selection will be based on the following criteria: Minimum course grade of 70% achieved in Intro to Sports Medicine; Aligned ECAP